Reggio Kids



About Us

REggio Kids is a private preschool organization and run 12 months a year-three locations in Richmond Hill 
They offer care from infant to school age (12 years) with a full summer camp at our Reggio Kids South location.
At Reggio Kids, they respect the right of young children to play. Play is children’s most important work. It holds much promise in its ability to deliver, not only the traditional expectations for developing school skills such as literacy, math and science but most importantly it nurtures the growth of the whole child.
At the centre of their pedagogy lies their powerful image of the child. They have a deep respect for the culture of childhood, and a strong belief that children, teachers, and parents must work together in the process of raising children to be responsible citizens. They provide children with a school that respects them as competent individuals who are viewed as contributors to the process of learning. The possibilities are endless when we trust and respect the capabilities of children.
They believe that children build knowledge through their daily experiences, their encounters with parents, teachers, peers, and in the events that surround them. As children explore, play and engage they develop theories about the mechanics and processes of the world they live in. Through project based work, new experiences, field trips, and discourse they test these theories and often renegotiate their thinking thereby scaffolding their learning.
Each day and in every moment, the teachers, follow the directions of the children and adapt ourselves. They observe, document, listen, and interpret their goals, theories and strategies so we can gain insight into their thinking and support their learning and discoveries.
They have a deep and abiding faith in their ability to enrich the lives of young children.